Past Exhibitions


OAT MILK + HXNY: Diaspora Kaleidoscope, November 14 – December 28, 2024

Oat Milk + HXNY, co-curated by Tacumba Turner and Venice Pascual, is the eighth exhibit of The Future is Black Art Series. The exhibition features 35 artists from three diasporic communities, representing 11 ethnicities, whose authentic and individual stories weave together to form a rich tapestry of the collective experience of being a BIPOC in America. Through genealogy, ancestry, and personal experiences, the pieces in this exhibit explore the themes of connectivity, spirituality, and the essence of remembering.

Exhibited artist include: Gia Abucejo, Lo Akemi, Tyler Belizaire, Black Girl Untold, Onyiye Chi, Hannah Colen, Janoi Daley, Amani Davis, Kristiana Dobell, Jauzzle France, Armanis Fuentes, Ifeoma, Gabrielle Johnson, Sāgar Kāmath, Sarah Khadraoui, Julie Lee, Evangeline Mensah-Agyekum, Jordan Mikhal, Raina Parade, Kate Pascual, Jameelah Platt, Lee Price, J Rich, Sasha Jin Schwartz, Alexander Schwartz, Sylvija Singh, Ivette (Honey) Soto-Melendez, Rachel Stachelrodt, Zim Syed, Stephanie Veloso, sarah huny young, Luis Erick Zul Rabasa, The Naija Collective (Ccjophotography, Teni & Ifeoluwa), and Ajani Zanaya.


A black background with text that says "The Art of Democracy"The Art of Democracy, October 10 – November 2, 2024

Presented by Keystone Progress Education Fund and Casey Droege Cultural Productions, this exhibit explores our democracy as a whole in the context of our current political climate, particularly leading up to the presidential election on November 5. The Art of Democracy demonstrates the integral role that artists play in a healthy democracy. The exhibition looks to explore ways that artists and activists are using their voices, working in direct collaboration with communities, and harnessing collective power to move us towards a more just and liberated world. The exhibition will feature the work of living, regional artists, and aims to foster discussion, connection, and contemplation, ultimately demonstrating what a healthy democracy should look like.

Exhibiting artists include: Aaron Henderson, Andrew Ellis Johnson, Ashley Cecil, Black Unicorn Library and Archive Project, Brent Nakamoto, Chris Ivey, etta cetera, Evan Rumble, Justseeds, Lena Chen, Mary Tremonte, Penny Mateer, Susanne Slavick, and Tony Cavalline.


Photo of And Also Wide: Artist/Mother Lines, presented by the Flock Artist Collective, at the Brew House Gallery, showing colorful collages and hanging sculptures shaped like raining clouds.

And Also Wide: Artist/Mother Lines, July 18 – September 7, 2024

The Flock Artist Collective is composed of artist/mothers whose creative practices explore the wide-ranging, multifaceted, often-unseen work of parenting. Each artist has their own way of tracing out the lines that connect artmaking to mothering, and none of them look like simple geometry. They are lines with mass and weight, lines that meander like rivers over time, lines that blur, lines that start to fray where they are stretched near breaking. Above all, they are lines that converge, sketching out the arcs of lives. Long or short, they are also wide.

Exhibiting Artists include Eileen Alcalde, Sandra Bacchi, Aimee Bungard, Sophia Cardillo, Naomi Chambers, Megan Lindsey, Christine Lorenz, Michele Randall, Megan Shope, Carrie Smith Libman, Masha Solus, Janet Watkins, Courtney Williams, Alisha Wormsley, Alecia Dawn Young, and Stefanie Zito.


Getting the Spirit OutGetting the Spirit Out, 2024 Distillery Artist Residency Exhibition, May 9 – June 22, 2024

What makes an artwork come to life? What are the forces that animate creative practice? The artists in Getting the Spirit Out, the 2024 Distillery Residency exhibition, have created a group of works that feel distinctly alive—channeling spirits and visualizing the unseen energy around us. Though they all work in very different ways, using a variety of media and processes, and draw on unique cultural backgrounds, the artists in this year’s Distillery cohort all use their practice to give life—to history, memory, suffering, and joy—and to set their creative spirits free.

This year’s Artists-in-Residence are Imani Batts, Armanis Fuentes, Finn Dugan, Joshua Challen Ice, Evangeline Mensah-Agyekum, Sophie Thompson, and Caroline Yoo. Find out more about this year’s artists on the 2023-2024 Distillery page.


Neither Here nor There, University of Pittsburgh’s Studio Art Department Faculty Exhibition, March 21 – April 20, 2024

Neither Here nor There features recent work by seventeen faculty members of the University of Pittsburgh’s Studio Arts Department. While these artists all engage in disparate forms of multimedia creation such as video, photography, printmaking, painting, installation, and sculpture, their unique practices underscore shared investments in locating the fluid nature of things in between. Artists grapple with issues of movement and migration, displacement, the politics of remembering, and identity as neither here nor there, not one thing nor another, but simultaneously occurring at the same time.

Curated by Ellen Larson. Exhibiting artists: Scott Andrew, Ken Batista, Melissa Catanese, Casey Connelly, Aaron Henderson, Delanie Jenkins, Bryan Martello, Mike Morrill, Sean P. Morrissey, Brent Nakamoto, Paolo Piscitelli, Omid Shekari, Becky Slemmons, Loring Taoka, Lenore Thomas, Scott Turri, and Barbara Weissberger.


Blank Tape, Curated by Lena Hansen, January 18 – March 9, 2024

From social media to smart devices, surveillance technology is an inescapable part of our current reality. Even though surveillance can be a scary topic—implying dystopian and oppressive futures—Hansen argues that these dangers make it worth fully investigating how the technology impacts our lives. The artists in Blank Tape explore our complicated relationship to surveillance—and draw connections between surveillance and attitudes towards gender identity, national identity, international politics, and sex work. Exhibiting artists include Ajunie Virk, Azzah Sultan, Caroline Yoo, Jamie McArthur, Jonathan Ellis, Lena Chen, Negin Mahzoun, Or Zubalsky, Shori Sims, Tooraj Khamenehzadeh.



Buttery Spread, Curated by Emma Honcharski and Chas Wagner, November 9 – December 30, 2023

Honcharski and Wagner invite visitors to spend time with a collection of whimsical, food-related artworks, and have also transformed part of the gallery into a reading room, where visitors can enjoy a collection of food-related books, zines, and magazines. By creating a space that brings together art, food, and books, the curators hope to inspire conversation about what it means to build relationships—to share a meal with a neighbor, or share a book with a friend. Featured artists include Vania Evangelique, JR Holtz, Darian Johnson, Sarah LaPonte, Lauren McCoy, Steph Neary, Sophia Pappas, Rosabel Rosalind, Jennifer Shin, Gabrielle (Gabe) Wolfe, and Imin Yeh.


AAP New Member Exhibition, June 29 – September 9, 2023

The Associated Artists of Pittsburgh (AAP) presents their 2023 New Member Exhibition at the Brew House Association Gallery. Exhibiting artists include Cheryl Capezzuti, Casey Connelly, Molly S. Davis, Meris Drew, Jessica Peña Heberle, Angie Jennings, Ulric Joseph, La Verne Kemp, Ling-lin Ku, LUCA, Erin Mallea, Natalie Miczikus, Josie Norton, Leana R. “Quade”, and Nicholas Sardo.


Rip, Repair, Repeat: Distillery 13 Group Exhibition, April 20 – June 17, 2023

Throughout Brew House Association’s Distillery Program, this year’s artists-in-residence have shown that they’re not afraid to take risks in order to experiment and re-imagine their creative practices. The work in Rip, Repair, Repeat speaks to the process of mending and making whole, while also acknowledging the cyclical nature of the creative process—that taking apart is as much a part of moving forward as putting together. This year’s artists-in-residence are Sandra Bacchi, Tara Hayes, Jameelah Platt, Nick Sardo, Rachel Morgan Simmons, Zim Syed, and Paige Tibbe.


Lay Bare, Curated by Zeal Eva, February 2 – April 1, 2023

Lay Bare explores the Black experience through the lens of Black women by asking selected artists, Who would you be if you could be your most authentic self? The resulting exhibition speaks to the artists’ current lived and imagined experiences and to the constant duality of both, creating space for others and taking space for the self. This exhibition looks to transform the gallery space into a hub for creative thought, interaction, conversation, and deeper understanding of the Black femme community that exists within Pittsburgh. Exhibiting artists include Black Girl Absolute, Karlissia Council, Ivory Eddins, Juliandra Jones (PBJ Customs), Evangeline Mensah-Agyekum, Bekezela Mguni, Jameelah Platt, and Rell Rushin.



SOMA GROSSA, Curated by Anna MirzayanNovember 17, 2022 – January 14, 2023

SOMA GROSSA is a multi-media survey of painting, installation, soft sculpture, video, jewelry and photography by fat artists explicitly making work about fatness. Rather than engage in the targeted joyful representation of small to mid-fat bodies popular in the ‘body positivity movement,’ this exhibition critiques the overwhelming metaphysical censorship of fat lives in a world that attempts to will them out of existence or consume them as entertainment. The works in this show challenge viewers’ to consider their own histories with anti-fat attitudes, while simultaneously engaging in the radical act of creating communities between fat people. Exhibiting artists include Danielle Attoe, Ren Buchness, Elisha Cox, Jesse Egner, Amanda Kleinhans, Sophie Pearson, Néstor Daniel Pérez-Molière, Ashley Ramos, Katie Rauth, and Zoë Schneider.


FULL SPECTRUM: Maximum Creativity, September 15 – October 22, 2022

Organized by the Pittsburgh Society of Sculptors, Full Spectrum: Maximum Creativity features artworks that both challenge and reaffirm life within our complex, contemporary world. Juried by Melanie Groves, Manager of Exhibitions & Registrar at the Frick Pittsburgh, the exhibition features work by 29 artists and includes a variety of media including ceramics, metals, found objects, and installation works. Featured artists include: Alejandro Franco, Amy Short, Anthony Angelilli, Carolyn Frischling, Dan Droz, Dino Deluliis, Duncan MacDiarmid, Evan Rumble, Gadi Leshem, Howard Goldfarb, James Louks, Jan Loney, Kara Zupancic, Katie Jones, Kylie Ford, Lisa Platt, Mac McCusker, Natalie Condrac, Richard Claraval, Ronald Nigro, Saige Baxter, Sarah Simmons, Sidney Mullis, Silvija Singh, Stanley Koepke, Steve Root, Taylor Mezo, Tom Estlack, and Val Cox.


Fiberart International 2022,  June 3 – August 20, 2022

The 24th in a series of juried exhibitions held in Pittsburgh open to textile artists worldwide. It seeks to exhibit the best of contemporary art and invites submissions that reflect a wide range of works related to the fiber medium. The exhibition is recognized around the world as a benchmark that documents trends and innovations in the field. Fiberart International is produced by Fiberarts Guild of Pittsburgh, a non-profit, member supported organization that promotes the appreciation of fiber art and fosters its creative development and continuance.

This exhibition is spread across 2 locations, Brew House Association and Contemporary Craft. The Exhibition at Brew House featured work by: Jacobo Alonso, David Andree, Cassie Arnold, Arda Asena, Emily Bellinger, Robin Bernstein, Kerstin Bruchhäuser, George-Ann Bowers, Ann Coddington, Milady Hartmann, Sharon Havelka, Ann Harwell, Faith Humphrey Hill, Kiyomi Kudo, Fuzzy Mall, Michelle Montjoy, Kate Nartker & Megan Jefferson, Maria Lia Porto, Claire Renaut, Elizabeth Runyon, and Adrienne Sloane.


Val M Cox: Shaped Paintings,  May 19 – 21, 2022

A pop-up exhibition in partnership with  ZYNKA Gallery to celebrate the work of Brew House based artist Val Cox.




GLARE: Distillery 12 Group Exhibition,  March 32 – May 14, 2022

United by their time spent together in the 12th cohort of our Distillery Artist-in-Residence program, the artists of GLARE showcase a spectrum of artworks that pull from their individual life experiences. Featuring the work of Darrin Milliner, Jessica Alpern Brown, Tara Fay Coleman, Juliandra Jones, Lizzee Solomon, Samira Mendoza, Zeal Eva.



Progeny of Change: Contemporary Art by Pittsburgh’s Women of ColorJanuary 13 – March 12, 2022

Come join us as we celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Women of Visions. Juried by Amanda Awanjo & Kemuel Benyehudah, the exhibition features artwork by: Jo-Anne Bates, Ruth Bedian, Brigette Bethea Patterson, Richena Brockinson, Brenda Brown, Naomi Chambers, Pamela Cooper, Colette Funches, Ashley Jones, LaVerne Kemp, Christine McCray-Bethea, Milli Mickle, Jessica Gaynelle Moss, Morgan Overton, Jameelah Platt, Rell Rushin, Zoe Scruggs, Marlana Adele Vassar, Janet Watkins, and Zeal Eva.



Photo collage showing the name of the exhibition and details Auction begins, DJ, Mask UpEmpathy is the Seed, Truth is the Water, Solidarity is the Bloomage, November 18 – December 18, 2021

Organized by Lets Get FreeThe Women and Trans Prisoner Defense Committee in Pittsburgh, the 5th annual art for for abolition features artists in prison & artists in solidarity with those in prison. Each artist responds to, creates from or embodies ingredients of abolition; the work to build and maintain a movement, the call for freedom, the desire to be seen, the presence and insistence on humanity, the practice of resistance and the true magic of possibility and what can be.


SculptureX: Words Matter,  September 16 – October 16, 2021

Organized by the Pittsburgh Society of Sculptors. In a time challenged by a pandemic, politics, and inequity, Words Matter embraces the SculptureX Conference theme of Art & Agency by exploring contemporary sculptural practices that connect and interact with audiences. Juried by Kilolo Luckett, this exhibition features the work by: Pati Beachley, Isaac Bower, Dan Droz, Gadi Leshem, Jan Loney, James Louks, Patti Menick, Amy Short, Sarah Simmons, Alexander Sutlic, Sheila Swartz, Xiaodan Wang and Kara Zuzu.


55th Annual Exhibition: Pittsburgh Society of Artists,  July 1 – August 28, 2021

Curated by Hannah Turpin, the Pittsburgh Society of Artists 55th Annual Exhibition features work by: Mary Ellen Raneri, Geoffrey Gordon, Andrew Spanoudakis, Brian Sesack, Jaime Bird, Frank Hightower, Yelena Kukharenko, Pamela Cooper, Tiffany DeCosmo, Deborah Lieberman, Robert Ivanisin, Benjamin Thomas, Martha Hopkins Skarlinski, Dai Morgan, Samira Shaheen, Jennifer Dinovitz, Paula Siebieda, Ellen Chisdes Neuberg, Paula Martino, Joseph Ryznar, Paul Feight, Frances Marze, Mark Weleski, Elizabeth Roseborough, Joe Winkler, William Karaffa, Ruthanne Bauerle, Karen Larson, and Ben Matthews.


Change of Course: Distillery 11 Group Exhibition,  May 13 – June 19, 2021

Change of Course features new artworks from the eleventh cohort of the Distillery Artist-in-Residence program at Brew House Association. With experimental attitude around process, these artists have used traditional materials like oil paint, plaster, graphite, and photography, to develop their own visual language and nuanced tonalities, and to explore uncanny worlds of their own design. Featuring the work of Peter Barbor, Paper Buck, Eriko Hattori, Deborah Hosking, Paul Peng and Lou Tandon.


Forging Ahead: Pittsburgh Print Group,  September 16 – October 16, 2021

Forging Ahead, organized by the Pittsburgh Print Group,​ is a printmaking-focused exhibition celebrating community, perseverance, and accomplishment during trying times. Curated by Anna Tararova, the exhibition features work by: Vanessa Adams, Fiona Avocado, Vanessa Jo Bahr, Zach Bath, Joey Behrens, Stephanie Berri, Mike Chattem, Ashley Cloud, Doug Eberhardt, Connory Eisen, Arron Foster, Henry Gepfer, Elizabeth Hestick, Paula Garrick Klein, Ignacio Lopez, David Love, William Mathie, Martyna Matusiak, Sam Merrick, Andrea Narno Híjar, Kristina Paabus, Jennifer Rockage McGhee, Eva Strum-Gross, Tresa Varner, Sharon Wilcox, Autumn Wright, Kathryn Yarkosky


Roots Run Deep: A Contemporary Survey of African American Hair Culture, Curated by Tara Fay,  January 22 – March 5, 2021

Featuring the work of 16 Black artists, stylists, and cultural producers, Roots Run Deep looks at the ways in which Black hairstyles are tied to tradition and examines the historic influence of the past on modern styling practices today. Through photography, sculpture, and mixed media works, artists demonstrate how hair is used as a medium to articulate our creativity across the diaspora. Exhibited artists include: Nakeya Brown, Jordan Coyne, Kenyatta Crisp, Nick Drain, Quinn Hunter, Mia Marshall, Dom McDuffie, Evangeline Mensah-Agyekum, Brianna Mims, Steven Montinar, Ayanna Nayo, Sharon Norwood, Mathias Rushin, Sharrell Rushin, Dominique Scaife, and Shori Sims.


Lost & Found, Curated by Taylor Fisch,  November 19, 2020 – December 19, 2020

Lost & Found presents the work of nine artists who honor people, places, and objects of the past to bring new meaning to the present. Using still images, time-based media, and sculptural interventions, the artists reframe and repurpose the found and the everyday in order to discover, reaffirm, and revise their understandings of individual and collective selves. Exhibited artists include: Hannah Altman, J Houston, Aleem Hurst, Brent Nakamoto, Jameelah Platt, Zachariah Szabo, Sheila Swartz, Heidi Wiren Bartlett, and Zeal Eva.


Seeking Truth: Distillery 10 Group Exhibition,  July 16 – September 12, 2020.

At a time when the American people are being inundated by a sense of uncertainty, artists may be uniquely skilled in demonstrating the profound outcomes that are possible when one willingly steps into the unknown. Breaking from past techniques, materials, and comfort zones, six artists rise to the challenge of creating artworks that reveal societal blind spots and shed light on shared human experiences in an ever-shifting landscape. Whether confronting the role of technology in our lives, exploring personal histories, or embracing remaining cultural comforts, artists featured in Seeking Truth look to interrupt our current understanding of what is real and what is true. Featuring the work of Jamie Earnest, Brendon J. Hawkins, Adam Linn, Njaimeh Njie, Centa Schumacher, and Kamara T. (Wavy Wednesday).


For Your Consideration – Fiberarts Guild of Pittsburgh,  February 21 – March 21, 2020

Organized by the Fiberarts Guild of Pittsburgh, For Your Consideration is the 2020 Membership Exhibition. Artists see the world through many lenses and experiences. Artists are invited to consider aspects of their views, values and experiences to create entries for this show. Through the art, the viewer will be invited to consider the artists’ intent.


Austral,  January 9 – February 8, 2020

Brew House Association presents, Austral, a juried exhibition of artwork by artists living and working in Pittsburgh’s South Side. This exhibition features 28 works by 14 artists working in a variety of media and highlights the broad spectrum of visual culture of the South Side. Featured artists include Heidi Wiren Bartlett, Pati Beachley, Ken Draim, William Karaffa, Erin Mallea, Maria Mangano, Natalie Moffitt, Kurt Pfaff, Derek Reese, Robert Roma, Jason Schutzman, Andrew Spanoudakis, Delli Speers, and Masha MouseBones Vereschenko.


Fallingwater + Monmade Design Residency Exhibition, November 14, 2019 – January 4, 2020

Monmade invites you to experience inspiration and innovation from craftspeople, designers, and artists immersed in Frank Lloyd Wright’s enduring architectural masterwork, Fallingwater. Creatives engaged in the Fallingwater + Monmade Design Residency last spring realized unparalleled access to the building, grounds, and collection of decorative arts treasures. This exhibition features products, prototypes, and process insights developed during this residency by the region’s most exciting emerging and established creatives. Featuring Collarbone Jewelry, Bones and All,  Broken Plates, Brian Ferrell Designs, FD Pottery, Jowdy Studio, KERF, KMJ Metalworks, LaVerne Kemp Studio, Maia Leppo, OTTO FINN, Savannah Hayes, Seth LeDonne, strawberryluna, TAKTTIME, and Urban Tree.



What Deepest Remains?,  October 4 – November 3, 2019

A juried exhibition exploring memory, identity and the human spirit by members and invited guests of GROUP A.

Exhibited artists include: Kirsti Adkins, Kyle Anger, Theresa Antonellis, Patricia Barefoot, Jaime L. Bird, Rose Clancy, Laura Domencic, Elizabeth Asche Douglas, Virginia Farnsworth, Sarika Goulatia, Annie Heisey, Scott Hunter, Paula Garrick Klein, Lisa Bergant Koi, Deborah Lieberman, Maria Mangano, Katherine McLean, Nancy McNary-Smith, Risë Nagin, Carolyn Pierotti, Dafna Rehavia, Janice Schuler, Phiris Kathryn Sickels, Sheila Swartz, and Scott Turri.

Fiberart International 2019, May 31 – August 24, 2019

The Fiberarts Guild of Pittsburgh, Inc. is pleased to announce Fiberart International 2019. In a highly selective process, jurors Sonya Clark and Jane Sauer reviewed 1441 artworks submitted by 595 artists from over 24 countries and 37 states, choosing 56 pieces representing a group of highly accomplished artworks by 55 artists representing 8 countries and 23 states.


Multiple Universes: Distillery 9 Exhibition, April 4 – May 18, 2019

Highlighting new works by Brew House Association’s Artists-in-Residence, Multiple Universes explores both familiar as well as foreign and unseen worlds. Finding inspiration in the digital and physical realms surrounding us, featured artists utilize a wide range of materials and processes to create artworks as varied as they are themselves. Yet despite their distant points of origin, threads connect through parallel planes and portals begin to take shape, transporting viewers between unlikely connections and ideas. Artists include Casey Connelly, Nicole Czapinski, Juan José Fernández, Anthony Gima, Michael Hull, Jordana McCallen, and Derek Reese.


This is Not Romantic, Curated by Dana Bishop-Root, February 21 – March 23 2019

This is Not Romantic highlights the work of three artists whose lives intersect at the Braddock Carnegie Library. Featuring photography and multimedia works by Tyrone Brown, Regis Welsh, and Ruthie Stringer, the exhibition will challenge viewers to consider how access can influence point of view and can cause physical and metaphorical landscapes to shift. 


The Self, Realized: Queering the Art of Self-Portraiture, Curated by Hannah Turpin,  January 10 – February 9, 2019.

The Self, Realized curated by Hannah Turpin, features fourteen LGBTQ+ identified artists that embrace the self-actualizing power of self-portraiture. Through a selection of artworks that push beyond traditional two-dimensional representation into sculpture, video, and installation, the exhibition presents the artists’ identities as multidimensional, multilayered, and unique. Featured Artists include Paper Buck, Jen Cooney, Brendon Hawkins, Corrine Jasmin, Summer Jade Leavitt, Adam Milner, Cupid Ojala, Mikael Owunna, Nikolai Peacock, Maybe Jairan Sadeghi, Ginger Brooks Takahashi, Sam Thorp, Curtis Welteroth. 



Design/Side: Monmade in South Pittsburgh, November 16 – December 20, 2018

Design/Side celebrates artful and useful goods from independent designers and artisans living and working in South Pittsburgh. Discover fresh design including home goods, architectural elements, lighting, and jewelry from Monmade trade group producers including Building Bytes/Coded Clay, Vessel Studio, Worker Bird, and Maia Leppo.


Bach at the Brew House, October 6 – November 3, 2018

Jeffrey Jarzynka is pleased to present an exhibition of new work by artist Rick Bach at the Brew House Gallery. Rick Bach returns to the Brew House in Pittsburgh’s South Side for a solo exhibition of paintings, drawings and sculp- tures. The work is an extension of this summer’s acclaimed exhibition entitled The Trojan Horsefarm at Gallery Studio A in Washington, DC, where the artist has lived since 2007.


Artists Choice, Pittsburgh Society of Artists, July 6 – August 3, 2-18





D8: 2018 Distillery Artist Showcase, April 6 – June 2, 2018

Highlighting new works by the seven emerging artists who have worked in residence at the Brew House Association throughout the past year, D8 demonstrates a wide range of artistic approaches and material processes explored in the Distillery studios. Engaged in rigorous studio practices, Distillery 8 artists have pushed their artwork to new limits, resulting in works that reflect a deeper understanding of the duality of fragility and strength, faced not only in artistic creation, but throughout the human condition as well. Featured artists include Danny Bracken, Percy Echols II, Jaclyn Marie Harris, Tony Havrilla, Tereneh Idia, Maia Leppo, and Marlana Adele Vassar. 


GrowlerFest (NCECA), March 2 – March 29, 2018

GrowlerFest connects artists to the craft beer movement by showcasing the ties between local food, craft beer, and ceramics. It’s goal is to create a “cross current” link between the craft brewery movement and the vitality of handmade pottery. Through the intersection of collaboration and individual aesthetic, we hope to spark investment in handmade objects among a group of people who share a common interest. The enjoyment of food and drink can be greatly enriched by the experience of using the beautiful work artists so thoughtfully produce.

Exhibited artists include Nicole Aquillano, Amanda Barr, Jessica Brandl, Tom Budzak, Ben Carter, Adriana Christianson, Blair Clemo, Carole Epp, Adam Field, Chase Gamblin, Perry Haas, Ayers Design: Meredith Host & Alex Watson, Michael Kline, Lorna Meaden, Didem Mert, Steve Theberge, Kyla Toomey, Mariko Paterson, Justin Rothshank, Liz Quackenbush, Gwendolyn Yoppolo, Michael Bishop, Paul Blais, Mike Bowen, Kathryn Davis, John Domenico, Ashley Gauntt, Brenna Gerlach, Jim Gottuso, Kyle Guymon & Melissa Yungbluth, Kevin Kowalski, Alex & Lisa LaPella, Ryana Lawson, Kristin Lemieux, Jenifer Levine, Mac McCusker, William Mueller, Sarah Newberry, Ashlyn Pope, John Reinking, Emma Rimi, Erin Robison, Alexandra Saunders, Jay Schmidt, David Smith, Katie Susko, Andrew Tarrant, Clive Tucker, Adam Yungbluth.


In Between the Middle, January 12 – February 23, 2018

An inaugural exhibition curated by #NotWhite Collective

Participating artists: Rafael Abreu-Canedo, Carolina Acero, Rafaela Acero, Fernando Acero, Anup Aryal, Jose Alban, Sarah Aziz, Di-ay Batad, Corey Carrington, Francis Cleetus, Veronica Corpuz, Heather Cowie, Sheila Cuellar-Shaffer, Christiane Dolores, Amber Epps, Fran Flaherty, Geña, Sarika Goulatia, Max E. Gonzalez, Miguel Hoyos, Zena Ruiz, Carolina Loyola-Garcia, Liana Maneese, Maritza Mosquera, Ryan Mosquera-Laib, Maggie Negrete, Pav Gee, Sara Tang, Jairan Sadeghi, Christina Springer, Eddie Vilegas and Jaina Warren. 




Electric Kool Aid, October 5 – November 26, 2017

Organized by Associated Artists of Pittsburgh. Curated by Corey Carrington. Featuring: Priya Ahlawat, Patricia Barefoot, Pati Beachley, Christie Biber, Kathy Boykowycz, Lauren Braun, Yang Cai, Ron Copeland, Sheila Cuellar-Shaffer, Brendan Donovan, Christopher Duncan, Ashley Garner, Annie Heisey, Ryder Henry, Lori Hepner, Robert Howsare, Seth LeDonne, Lesla, Ken Merget, Clayton Merrell, Marina Mozhayeva, Desiree Palermo, Mark Panza, Linda Price-Sneddon, Jack Puglisi, Janice Schuler, Phiris Kathryn Sickels, Louise Silk, Joyce Werwie Perry, and Kathleen Zimbicki



Homecoming: Artists and Adaptation,  July 14 – September 17, 2017

Homecoming: Artists and Adaptation includes work by twelve selected artists who helped shape The Brew House Association during its longstanding history, and who once called this building home. Through a focus on adaptation and reuse, exhibiting artists utilize a variety of materials and artistic approaches to demonstrate a keen awareness of their present environment. Featured artists include Bob Bingham, Chris Craychee, Christiane Dolores, Tim Kaulen, Theo Keller, Rob Long, Aimee Manion, Bill Miller, Carin Mincemoyer, Keny Marshall, Wendy Osher, and Renee Zettle-Sterling.