Lay Bare, Curated by Zeal Eva
February 2 – April 1, 2023
About the Exhibition:
Lay Bare explores the Black experience through the lens of Black women by asking selected artists, Who would you be if you could be your most authentic self? The resulting exhibition speaks to the artists’ current lived and imagined experiences and to the constant duality of both, creating space for others and taking space for the self. This exhibition looks to transform the gallery space into a hub for creative thought, interaction, conversation, and deeper understanding of the Black femme community that exists within Pittsburgh.
Exhibiting artists include Black Girl Absolute, Karlissia Council, Ivory Eddins, Juliandra Jones (PBJ Customs), Evangeline Mensah-Agyekum, Bekezela Mguni, Jameelah Platt, and Rell Rushin.
Finding authenticity through art at ‘Lay Bare’ Exhibit now on the South Side. – Emily Ambery. New Pittsburgh Courier, March 7
About the curator:
Zeal Eva is a visual storyteller, whose mission is to celebrate the Black experience through both her art and in the working relationships of the community. Originally from Bethlehem, PA, Zeal Eva’s work is deeply rooted in personal history and the histories of the communities in which she navigates. Through her personal artistic practice, Zeal Eva has taken a humanistic approach to curation, putting the needs of the artists first and working to make sure opportunities are open to individual artists within the black community who have not had the chance to exhibit work in a gallery setting.
Read the Gallery Guide.
Gallery guide edited and designed by Point Line Projects. Download the gallery guide here.